Prof. Ronny Miron
Teaching Experience:
1996 -- Bar-Ilan University. Since 2011 Associate Professor and Supervising Ph.D students in the interdisciplinary unit and in the department for philosophy.
1986-1987: Biblical Studies, Jerusalem College, Bayit-Vegan, Jerusalem
1987-1991: B.A in Social Work, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1991-1994: M.A. in Jewish Philosophy (with distinction), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Thesis: “Nathan Rotenstreich Idea of History’s and its reflection in his thinking about Zionism’
1996-2001 : Ph. D in Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan. Dissertation: “From Selfhood to Transcendence : The development of Metaphysical Consciousness in Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy (1910-1947)
1996-2002: Approved in Spring 2002. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Avi Sagi.
2002-2003: Post-Doctoral: Minerva Post-Doctoral Scholarships for research in Germany [2002, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M, Department for Philosophy, Prof. Axel Honneth; 2003 Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Department for Philosophy, Munich Prof. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl]
Languages: Hebrew, English, German, French.
Prizes and Scholarships
2013: Award of the university and the city of Bari, Italy for philosophical research
2007/8 Scholarships for distinctive research, the center for continental thought in Bar Ilan University
2006/7-2009/10 Alon grant
2002-2003 Minerva Post-Doctoral Scholarships for research in Germany [2002 in Frankfurt a.M, 2003 in Munich ]
1999-2001 Bar-Ilan’s president Scholarships for distinctive doctoral students
1996-1998 Doctoral Scholarships of Bar Ilan University
1992-1993 Lakritz Foundation’s Price for Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University
1992 Bahana’s Price for distinctive paper in Jewish Philosophy
1991-1994 Scholarships from the Institute for Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1990 Taustein Price for distinctive students
Conferences and Academic Lectures:
- 2002: “From Psychiatrics to Philosophy”, the 5th annual Conference of the new Israeli association of Philosophy (14.2.2002)
- 2004: Lecture at Ludwig Maxismilian University, Munich, 5th July 2004, in the Department of Philosophy and the Department for Religious Studies, “Religion without Metaphysics – a philosophical and religious challenge”
- 2006: “The guilt which we are – freedom and necessity in Jaspers’ idea of guilt”, lecture in: The international school of Holocoust Stdies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 26.1.06
- 2006: “Removing Brackets – Hedwig Conrad-Martuis and the realistic Phenomenology” the 9th annual Conference of the new Israeli association of Philosophy (21.2.2006)
- 2007: An Absent Present – A Phenomenological view Upon the Idea of the believer in Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s thinking, the 10th annual Conference of the new Israeli association of Philosophy (22.2.07)
- 2007: Hannah Arendt and the Human Condition, International conference, Bar Ilan University, Israel April 17-19: "The split ontology: A phenomenological view upon Arendt’s conception of human condition”
- 2011: International Congress IIH. Hermeneutics-Ethics-Education-Media
Organized by the International Institute for Hermeneutics, Warwas, September 5-8:
A Realistic Metaphysics in the Hermeneutics of Judaism: The Understanding of the Poet and the Novelist in Baruch Kurzweil’s Criticism of Modern Hebrew Literature
- 2012: "THE OUTSIDE'S INSIDE: The Phenomenology of the External World in Hedwig Conrad-Martius' Thought" held in: the 62nd International Congress of Phenomenology: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoetic Genesis of Life, to be held at Lucernaire Centre National d’Art et d’Essai, Paris, France, August 8-10, 2012
- 2012: "Collective Memory, Solidarity and Transcendence", held in: 'Solidarity, Memory and Identity' Interdisciplinary Conference in Gdańsk, 20-21 September 2012
- 2013: "Faith, Radicalism and Personality: A Jewish Perspective on Edith Stein", held in: "Die Rezeption Edith Steins (1942-2012)", 18, March 2012, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
- 2013: "The Secret of Jewish Existence: A metaphysical analysis of Gershom Scholem's idea of Jewish History", International Conference on "To Be Or Not To Be A Jew - Problems and Aspects on Entering and Leaving Judaism", The University of Bucharest, The Faculty of Letters The Center of Jewish Studies, Bucharest, New Europe College, 23-24 May 2013.
- 2013: ' "The Gate Of Reality" : The idea of reality in Realontologie by Hedwig Conrad-Martius', Eleventh International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Budapest Hungary 19-21 June, 2013.
Post-Kantian European philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism, German Idealism, Hermeneutics, History of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, Modern Jewish thought.
Karl Jaspers: From Selfhood to Being, Bar Ilan University Press, 2006, Ramat Gan, Israel (Hebrew)
Karl Jaspers: From Selfhood to Being, Value Inquiry Book Series, Rodopi, 2012
The Angel of History – The idea of the Jewish past in 20th century, Magness, Hebrew university Press, 400 pp. (Hebrew) (Forthcoming)
The Angel of Jewish History, Academic Studies Press, Brighton MA, USA, 2014
The Desire for Metaphysics, Selected Papers on Karl Jaspers, Common Ground, University of Ilinois Research Park, 2014
1. “The covenant between philosophy and Revelation: David Hartman’s Thought in the view of Karl Jaspers’ philosophy”, Daat, vol. 53 (winter, 2004), pp. 161-192 (Hebrew)
2. “History and Zionism in the Thought of Nathan Rotenstreich”, Israel, 4, 2003, pp. 185-206 (Hebrew)
3. “From Psychiatrics to Philosophy: the idea of the Self in Karl Jaspers’ philosophy”, Iyun , Vol. 53 (April, 2004), pp. 123-150 (Hebrew)
4. “From Opposition to Reciprocity- Karl Jaspers on science, philosophy and what lies between them”, International philosophical Quarterly, 44/2, (2004), pp. 147-163.
5. “Towards Reality: The development of the philosophical attitude to reality in Karl Jaspers’ thought”, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 37/2, pp. 152-172.
6. “Transcendence and Dissatisfaction in Jaspers’ idea of the Self”, in: Phaenomenologische Forschungen , NS 10, 2005, pp. 221-241.
7. “Was Jaspers really Kantian?”, Yearbook of the Austrian Karl Jaspers’ Society, 19, pp. 73-106.
8. .Between Freedom and Necessity : The conception of Guilt in Jaspers’ Thought, Iyun , Vol. 56 (April, 2007), pp. 183-211 (Hebrew)
9. Past, Linkage and Interpretation – J.H. Yerushalmi and A. Funkenstein on ‘Wissenschaft des Judentums’ in: Alpayim 31 (2007), 169-223. (Hebrew)
10. Literature, Reality and Transcendence - a study in Baruch Kurzweil Hermeneutics, Reshit, Studies in Judaism, 1, 2009, pp. 231-259 (Hebrew).
11. The Self in the Realms Ontology: A Critical View of Hannah Arendt’s Conception of the Human Condition, the International Journal of the Humanities Volume 6, Issue 11, 2009, pp.41-52.
12. "The Guilt which we are: An Ontological Approach to Karl Jaspers’ Idea of Guilt", Analecta Husserliana, vol. CV, 2010, pp. 229-251.
13. A Hermeneutical View of the Jewish Past: A Reinterpretation of Yerushalmi and Funkenstein’s understandings of Jewish Historicism, in: Sprache ist Gespräch – Gadammer's Understanding of Language as Conversation ,International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, Bd. 2, 2011, pp. 617-646.
14. "History, Historiography and the problem of historical continuity – a hermeneutical studies in Baruch Kurzweil thinking", Jerusalem studies in Hebrew Literature, 2013, pp. 227-277.
15. "Models of Presence and Loss of Transcendence in History", Philosophy Study, 3/4, pp. 331-351, 2013.
16. "Phenomenology, Internality and Transcendence", Iyyun, 2013, pp. 171-182 (Hebrew).
17. "The Realism of the External World", The Appearing Doctrine of Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Iyyun (Hebrew, Forthcoming)
18. "The Secret of Jewish Existence: A metaphysical analysis of Gershom Scholem's idea of Jewish History", Studia Hebraica, (Forthcoming)
19. The Outside from Inside, "The Phenomenology of the External World in Hedwig Conrad-Martuis' Thought", Analecta Husserliana (forthcoming).
20. "A Realistic Metaphysics in the Hermeneutics of Judaism: The Understanding of the Poet and the Novelist in Baruch Kurzweil’s Criticism of Modern Hebrew Literature", International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology (Forthcoming)
21. "The Realism of the Transcendence - a critical analysis of Hedwig Conrad-Martius' early ontology", The International Journal of Literary Humanities, Vol 11 issue 3, 2014, pp. 37-48.
Chapters in books:
1. “The possibility of religious subjectivity - its defense and critique, in: Anne Koch (eds)., Watchtower Religionswissenschaft. Standortbestimmungen im wissenschaftlichen Feld, Diagonal-Verlag, Marburg. 2007, pp.95-118.
2. “Phenomenology of the believer’s Self- the case of Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s thinking, On Faith, studies on the idea faith, Moshe Halbertal, David Kurzweil, Avi Sagi (eds.) 2005, pp. 124-189; 597-604 (Hebrew)
3. History and Reality: a phenomenological study in the thinking if Nathan Rotenstreich, Sefer Michael, 2007, pp.323-358 (Hebrew).
4. “The Phenomenon of the Self in The Skin and the Gown", 24 Readings by Aharon Appelfeld, Avidov Lipsker and Avi Sagi (eds.), Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan, pp. 117-149.
5. “Unity and Fragmentation of the Self in Leibowitz's Idea of Faith and their Repercussions: A Critical Perspective”, On Faith, Avi Sagi and Dov Schwartz (eds.), "Academic Studies Press" (35 pages, Forthcoming)
6. "We Modern: Collective Memory, Solidarity and Transcendence" (Poland, Forthcoming
Book Reviews:
1. Community, Personality and Truth", a review on: "Francesco Alfieri, Die Rezeption Edith Steins. Internationale Edith-Stein-Bibliographie 1942 – 2012. Festgabe für M. Amata Neyer OCD, Vorwort von U. Dobhan OCD, Geleitwort von H.-B. Gerl-Falkovitz – A. Ales Bello, Einführung von F. Alfieri OFM, Echter Verlag GmbH, Würzburg 2012, 513 pp, in: Iyyun The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 62 (January 2013): 98–104
Last Updated Date : 29/11/2022